Walk for Wenjack

October 21, 2024

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On Monday we will be participating in a walk. This walk is to honour the life of Chanie Wenjack. Chanie was an Anishinaabe boy who was forced to attend the Cecilia Jeffrey Residential School. Chanie (9 years old) managed to escape the Residential School and attempted to walk the 600kms back home. Tragically, he didn't ever make it home.

The late Gord Downie (The Tragically Hip) partnered with the Wenjack family to honour Chanie and ensure that his legacy lives on forever. Gord Downie wrote an entire album and dedicated it to Chanie (The Secret Pathway).

I have attached the link to the website to view more information and if you feel so inclined leave a donation.

If you're kids have anything purple - please wear it on Monday!

Donate Here

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